Friday, 30 October 2009

Drag My Teeth Across Your Chest To Feel Your Beating Heart

I am superbly happy at the moment, for the following reasons:
  • I actually love my International Fashion Marketing course, I get to read Vogue for homework!
  • I've just booked my own stall for the next Manchester Vintage Fair...more details to follow soon.
  • I have a very nice bearded boy in my life
  • I'm going to New York next year with the aforementioned bearded boy.
  • I have my tickets booked for the Liverpool Design Festival next week.
  • I recently acquired theeee cutest Samsung netbook, perfect to squeeze in my bag for my commutes to Manchester!

I also just wanted to say a big thankyou to everyone (old or new to this blog) for following and keeping an interest in my ramblings!

Peace, love and shoes to you all xx

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Kicking Up A Dust Storm

I recently treated myself to these rather divine boots from Office. I say 'treated'.....but it was more of a guilty pleasure as they left my purse a cool £100 lighter.

Totally worth it though right? Very reminiscent of the dashing Chloe boot.....

Peace, love and shoes x

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Ahoy Hoy!

I was recently spotted by the girls of Liverpool based Street Style site Hoy Fashion, at the Topshop Liverpool opening:

The photo's have only recently gone up on the site which is why I'm so late posting this.

I've been a big follower of Hoy Fashion since they originally started out a few years ago, the girls always have a good eye for subtle trends and detailing.

Here's a few of my favourite picks from Hoy's latest snaps:

If In Doubt....

Wink, Peace and Pout!

I had actually forgotten about i-D magazine's cute cover quirk until I sifted through my magazine collection last week.

Apologies again for my lack of updating, but I've been swamped with Uni work recently. Keep an eye out as I'll be squeezing in posts whenever I can!

Peace, love and shoes x