I am genuinely speechless after discovering that I have 100 people following my blog, the fact that even one person would even be interested in my ramblings is flattering enough!
As a way of saying a huge thank you to all my followers, why not take advantage of a gift from myself in the form of, lets say, 2 tickets to London Fashion Weekend perhaps?
Yes you read that right, there are 2 VIP Platinum Club tickets to this months London Fashion Weekend up for grabs and they're all yours for the taking!
Helen from VoucherCodes.co.uk recently got in touch with me about a super great offer they've organised specifically for bloggers. To bag yourself the tickets Helen and the team at VoucherCodes would like you to create a designer inspired look using only your thriftiest second hand finds! Arrange them pretty, or play dress up, then take a snap and post the entry on your blog - simple! Don't forget to mention where your items are from as well as their price and include a great bargain hunting tip for VoucherCodes.co.uk and your readers.
You can read the full details, terms & conditions of the competition here and you can email Helen if you have any queries at helen@econversions.co.uk. You can also email Helen to alert her to the fact that you are taking part in this competition so that your entry will not be missed.
Good luck and another big thank you to all my followers, new or old!
x x x